Tuesday, 14 July 2015


There is a spot in our garden, just past the cutting beds, 
that we have started to call 
"Where the Wild Things Are"

It's main feature is our old garden swing, 
seen here three years ago when the clematis and other vines were just starting to encroach on it.
 Today it looks like this and we've given up on keeping it clear enough to allow anyone to swing on it!

The area has always been home to a small hammock....
Allen tested it a few years ago!
If you lie in it now, your feet might be covered by a blanket 
of crocosmia, hostas and other plants that grow in the shadow of the vine covered cherry tree.
And the other cherry tree might drop fruit on your head!

Beside the fence, nothing much will grow in the damp soil....but a few giant mushrooms always appear.

We've started filling the space with things 
that no longer have a home.
This chiminea sat on our dining dock for years, 
full of candles for a cheery glow.
But this year we replaced it with a gas fireplace, 
and it had to move here.
 Maybe a bird will nest in it!

This fountain lived on the Willow Cottage balcony 
until it sprung a leak. 
It's happy here being a home for some of Cora's many frogs. 
Kelly is eyeing it as a planter for some shade loving species!

My favourite icon in the corner is the "Virgin of Guadalupe" with her colourful robes and kind smile. 
We brought her home from Mexico several years ago
 after seeing her in all the neighbourhood gardens there. 
Maybe one day she will grant someone's wish
 and flowers will appear in her vase!
We hope to find a "Saint Francis Feeding the Birds"
 to keep her company.

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